Genesis, the Orientation Program for Academic Year 2023-2024, GD Goenka University, was held from 28 August 2023 to 7 September 2023. The various Schools of the University kickstarted the registration process with registration and document verification which went on from 28 August to 01 September 2023. This was followed by a mall visit on 2 September 2023 for all the boarders of the fresh batches. 4 - 7 September 2023 saw the conduct of the Orientation process on a common platform for all the university as students were introduced to the leadership at the University as also guest lectures by industry experts interspersed throughout the week.

4 September 2023 sawstudents across disciplines welcomed to the beats of drums and a warm welcome by their seniors.This energetic welcome was followed by the students dispersing to their respective Schools where they were given a welcome address by their respective Dean, Head & Director. The students were also introduced to their Faculty Members and Co-ordinators, as also given a brief on their teaching & learning practices. The formalities of registration and pending document verification done, the students finally had a Panel Discussion on Career Opportunities by the Board of Advisors in the respective Schools.

5 September 2023, began with office bearers of the BSA interacting with their juniors and introducing them to the various techno-cultural clubs and the opportunities for extracurriculars that the university offers. This was followed by an address by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) B.S. Satyanarayana who warmly welcomed the students and gave them a peek into the multi-disciplinary, sustainably oriented teaching-learning pedagogy of the university. This was followed by an address by Dr. Dhirendra Singh Parihar who acquainted the students with the important rules and regulations of the university especially with regard to attendance, tuition fees and exams. The students further had an interaction with Mr. Narender Sharma, Controller of Examinations, who gave an overview into the examination system at the university and rules regarding the same. The day further continued with an address by Prof. (Dr.) Tanuja Kaushik, Dean Student Welfare, who gave the new batches insights into the exciting opportunities for extra-curricular activities that the university offers its students throughout the year. The day further continued with a guest lecture by Ananya Bhandare, founder and creator of Jungly Delights, a healthy snack company. Ms. Bhandare shared useful insights from her journey in a motivating question answer talk. The second half of the day saw students returning to their respective Schools where Teacher’s Day was duly observed.  

6 September 2023, began with an introduction to the NSS Unit of the University by the office bearers of the NSS who formally introduced the unit, showcasing its work, and inviting volunteer members from the new batches. The student interaction was followed by a talk on “Sustainable Practices at Campus, Hostel, Food, Transport, Accounts & IT” by Major Karttikeya Sharma, Chief Administrative Officer, who made the students aware of the various sustainability initiatives taken on campus, as also the multifarious amenities available on campus. This was followed by an address given by Dr. Manvi Arora, Director Strategy & Planning, who spoke of the various institutional affiliations that the university has and the various opportunities for collaboration that it offers. The third speaker for the day, Mr. Akhilesh Chandra, briefed the students on the role of the Corporate Resource Centre and other placement related information. The day continued with an interaction of the students with Dr. Amit Singh, Proctor, who gave a session on “Discipline & Anti-Ragging Measures”. The highlight of the day came with a guest lecture with industry experts, Aayushi Nagpal and Shubhra Sharma, Managers at Campus France, Delhi. Who enlightened the students with information on the opportunities of Higher Education in France and the administrative formalities required for the same. The day came to a close with the students dispersing variously to their respective Schools where they had Experience Sharing Sessions with successful Alumni followed by Mentor-Mentee Interactions. 

7 September 2022, began with the student council members of BSA-Sports formally introducing themselves to the fresher students and presenting to them the opportunities and platforms of Sports that the University offers. The student interaction was followed by a session on Academic Writing by Prof. (Dr.) Anjali Midha, Dean R&D who in a short address acquainted the students with the basics and importance of research and the avenues it opens up. The second speaker for the day was Prof. (Dr.) Ugur Guven, Director International Affairs, who briefed the students on Internationalization at GDGU, giving them an insight on the multiple avenues of opportunities abroad that the university offers. The third speaker for the day, Prof. (Dr.) Anuradha Tiwary, Deputy Dean Academics, briefed the students on the unique educational pedagogies that the University offers, including Value Added Courses, Skill Based Learning, Outcome Based Education and a Multidisciplinary Curriculum. Further into the day the students were addressed by Prof. (Dr.) Naresh Sharma, Deputy Director, IQAC, who informed the students about the various opportunities of scholarships that the University offers. Dr. Sharma’s address was followed by an address by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) B. S. Satyanarayana who gave a spirited talk on the theme, “Relevance of Indian Knowledge System, Science & Technology and Sustainable Development”. The day also saw an expert lecture by Ms. Archita Sobti, Senior Counselling Psychologist, who engaged the students in an insightful session on the topic of “Mastering Stress & Anxiety for Career & Personal Growth”. The day came to an end on a fun note as the students returned back to their schools for a Talent Hunt where they were selected and nominated for Mr. & Miss Fresher. 



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