
RISHII- Resources for InternationaliSation of Higher Education Institutions in India

What is RISHII?

RISHII Project

Internationalization plan

Online materials prepared by GDGU :

Internationalisation of Curriculum (IoC)

An EU Strategy on India signed 20 Nov 2018 reiterates the need to work with India on internationally recognizable degrees – to focus on Internationalisation of Curriculum (IoC). RISHII focuses on management approaches and modus operandi necessary to plan and implement curriculum internationalisation. The focus is on improving communication and collaboration between the different agents (who should be) involved in curriculum internationalisation. Through adopting the tools and procedures proposed by RISHII, Indian Higher Education Institutions will be able to significantly improve their management and operation.

Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions

Internationalisation is at the heart for RISHII as its name itself clearly indicates – Resources for Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions in India. RISHII General Objective and its 4 Specific Objectives address the task of helping Indian Partners achieve Curriculum Internationalisation – Internationalisation-FOR-ALL. RISHII focuses on developing tools, resources, procedures and mechanisms necessary to plan curriculum internationalisation actions well and implement the actions planned.

Capacity Building In Human Resources

RISHII focuses on training on Internationalisation of Curriculum (IoC) for both faculty and non- academic staff. RISHII trains two Levels of Internationalisation of Curriculum (IoC) Champions:
RISHII participants will become Level 2 Advanced IoC Champions – able to plan for and implement IoC, and also to encourage others to do the same through providing Continuous Professional Development activities on IoC.
Those who will attend RISHII IoC Workshops will become Level 1 IoC Champions – able to plan for and implement IoC themselves (but not yet to provide Continuous Professional on IoC).
Watch Video on what is RISHII

GENERAL AIM/Wider Objective

It aims to contribute to modernization of Indian Higher Education through equipping Indian Higher Education Institutions with procedures, tools, human resources and continuous professional development mechanisms necessary for Curriculum Internationalisation and creating institution-wide thriving cultures of Internationalisation-FOR-ALL.


SOs is complementary and reinforces each other in achieving the wider objective.

  • Create mechanisms, procedures and tools which can engage all Indian RISHII Partner Institutions in Strategic Planning for Modernization through continuous Curriculum Internationalisation

  • Promote Curriculum Internationalisation through adoption of competence-based student- centred principles in (a) curriculum and syllabus design, (b) teaching, learning and assessment approaches.

  • Equip Indian faculty and non-academic staff involved in internationalisation with skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to achieve Internationalisation-FOR-ALL.

  • Create Open Education Resources that will encourage and make it feasible for all Indian Higher Education Institutions to engage in Strategic Planning and Continuous Professional Development activities for Curriculum Internationalisation -FOR-ALL


Capacity building in curriculum internationalisation is structured around 4 transversal Curriculum Internationalisation Strategic Lines (SLs):

Internationalisation of curriculum – why and what for?

  • what Curriculum Internationalisation is (and what it is not);
  • benefits and challenges of Curriculum Internationalisation, Internationalisation-FOR-ALL;
  • Curriculum Internationalisation and Competence-Based student-centred HE;
  • Curriculum Internationalisation and employability;
  • Curriculum Internationalisation and global citizenship;
  • agents of Curriculum Internationalisation and their roles

Profiles of Global Professionals and Citizens

  • competences and learning outcomes;
  • stakeholders and reference points for identifying internationalized degree profiles;
  • formulating internationally relevant degree profiles in terms of competences and learning outcomes;
  • formulation of intended learning outcomes;
  • ways to keep degree profiles internationalised and relevant

Internationally Open Teaching and Learning

  • internationalisation of courses/modules;
  • teaching and learning activities for internationalised programmes;
  • active global learning;
  • intercultural teaching;
  • alignment of teaching and learning with intended global learning outcomes

Globally-recognised innovation in assessment practices

  • innovative assessment practices crucial for successful implementation of internationalised curricula;
  • assessment of global competences;
  • assessment of global learning outcomes;
  • assessment for learning

Our primary mission is to:

  • Promote Diversity: We believe that diverse classrooms enrich the learning experience. RISHII encourages the inclusion of international perspectives in higher education.
  • Facilitate Mobility: We facilitate student and staff mobility, making it easier for individuals to explore different cultures and educational environments.
  • Enhance Curriculum: RISHII supports the development of globally-relevant curricula that prepare students for an interconnected world.
  • Strengthen Partnerships: We foster partnerships between institutions, creating a network for knowledge exchange and collaboration.

At RISHII, we employ a holistic approach to internationalization:

  • Student Exchanges: We facilitate student exchanges, enabling them to experience different cultures and education systems.
  • Faculty Development: Our project invests in faculty training, ensuring they are equipped to provide a globally-relevant education.
  • International Curriculum: We work with institutions to develop curricula that incorporate international perspectives.
  • Research Collaboration: RISHII encourages collaborative research initiatives between institutions.

What we have done till now?

SL2W1 & SL2W2 completed on 12 Sept 2022

Strategic Line 2 : Profiles of Global Professionals and Citizens

Theme1: Constructive Alignment and Intended Learning Outcomes

Theme:2 Formulation of Intended International Learning Outcomes

Participants contextualizes their work as a first step of constructing IILO.

Prof ( Dr.) Sanjeev Gupta reshaping the trained minds for constructive alignment of curriculum outcomes through his thought provoking session.

Excerpt from Concept Map Activity: concept of Constructive Alignment and IILOs with respect to their program domain.

Thrust Areas

  • Machine Learning & Deep Learning
  • Thermal & Fluid Sciences
  • Robotics & Automation
  • Water Resource Management and Climate Change
  • Environmental & Industrial Microbiology
  • Constitutional and Administrative Law
  • International Law
  • Law and Technology
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Human Rights
  • Sustainability in Business
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Data Driven Marketing
  • Hospitality Management and Operations
  • Tourism Development and Sustainable Practices
  • Food and Beverage Innovation and Management
  • Digital Transformation in Hospitality and Tourism
  • Responsible and Inclusive Tourism
  • Clinical and Counseling Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Neuropsychology
  • Positive Psychology
  • Artificial Intelligence and Psychology
  • Fashion
  • Interior Design
  • Animation
  • Drug Delivery and Biomaterials
  • Herbal Drug Technology
  • Nanoparticles for Targeted Drug Delivery (e.g., Cancer)
  • Development of Crystal and Co-Crystals of Drugs
  • Pain and Inflammation Pharmacology
  • Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Focus on treatment and rehabilitation of joint, bone, and soft tissue disorders.
  • Neurological Physiotherapy: Research on stroke, spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.
  • Sports Physiotherapy: Injury prevention, recovery, and performance enhancement for athletes.
  • Pain Management: Exploring innovative methods for managing chronic and acute pain.
  • Optometry
  • Agronomy & Horticulture
  • Soil Sciences
  • Plant Breeding
  • Entomology