Marking the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, School of Medical and Allied Sciences, Gurugram organized a Live Webinar on October 24,2020 to shed more light and discuss the deliberative concerns about Breast Cancer and the much-needed awareness that it urgently needs. Dr. Rajeev Aggarwal, Director- Medanta Institute of Breast Services, Medanta-The Medicity, Gurugram was the Resource person and brainy mind behind the dissemination of knowledge, enveloping anything and everything important related to Breast Cancer. Dr. Aggarwal discussed the intricate aspects of Breast Cancer’s detection, and how early detection of this disease still poses as a cumbersome challenge. The treatment procedures and cure of Breast Cancer was also discussed with utmost precision and articulation. Dr. Aggarwal debunked many myths surrounding Breast Cancer in women and urged them to manifest self-breast examination as a primary precautionary step. With the aid of vivid pictorial demonstration, Dr. Aggarwal incisively explained the quintessence of Breast Cancer. The session culminated with a settlement of all the unsettled doubts of the live audience, who understood the very kernel of Breast Cancer and found themselves more aware than before. To understand and empower the power of ‘Pink’, School of Medical and Allied Sciences, therefore, moved one step ahead in conquering Breast Cancer.

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August 17, 2022 SOTTDP


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