School of Medical and Allied Sciences G D Goenka University coordinated a webinar entitled “Nosocomial Infection and COVID 19 and way forward” on 4th July 2021. The speaker for the webinar was Dr. Nishit Kumar Gupta Director, Consultant Pathologist at Nishit Clinical Laboratory in Paschim Vihar, New Delhi. This webinar was organized with the reason to spread the awareness of Nosocomial Infection which is a significant concern globally as `these infections increase mortality rate as well as overall treatment cost. This is mandatory to understand it in the present COVID 19 Pandemic. This topic is not only related to students of medical areas as well as all the audience.

Dr. Nishit Kumar Gupta provided detailed information about Nosocomial Infection and COVID 19 in a very easy way. He explains the routes of transmission and causes of these infections. Additionally, he highlighted the major pathogens related to hospital-acquired infection with the addition of different routes of cross-transmission in the hospital areas. He also explained various prevention methods for controlling transmission of these kinds of infection as well as infection control policies in hospitals. He provides a detailed explanation of the relationship between COVID 19 and different nosocomial infections.  He illustrated the transmission mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 inside hospitals areas and ICUs. Additionally, he broadened some light on the importance of handwashing and Vaccination. Dr. Gupta candidly answered the queries with the best explanation. At the end of the webinar, Dr. Gupta finished by saying that “ Wear mask and all should take the vaccine as well as follow up the safety measures rules especially when entered in Hospital premises  ”.

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