School of Medical and Allied Sciences, GD Goenka University, Sohna, Gurugram organized their 2nd National Conference , entitled “Recent Advances and Challenges in Healthcare” (REACH) on March 16th , 2019. The theme for the conference was \"Exploring the Greener Avenues in Healthcare\"; the conference engrossed a vicinity of conscious discussions among the scientific community along with unparalleled collaborative opportunities between a large pool of healthcare professionals, both from academia and industry. The event was graced by Prof. (Dr.) B. Suresh, President- Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) & Vice Chancellor, JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, Mysore as the honorable Chief Guest of the conference.

The conference started with the elegance of lamp lighting ceremony and Welcome address by Prof. (Dr.) Suku Bhaskaran, President, GD Goenka University, who deliberated about the contemporary scenario in Healthcare discipline and the need of the hour is to democratically share opinions of change and betterment, mostly attained through such dialectics of ideas, evidently visible in the conference. Inspiring and enlightening Key Note Addresses were given by the venerated dignitaries, Dr. Shailendra Saraf, Vice President , PCI , New Delhi ; Dr. Savita Ravindra, Head, Department of Physiotherapist, M S Ramaiah Medical College and Hospitals, Bangalore ; Dr. Sudhir Kalan (M.S.), Chairman, Institute of Minimal Access, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi ; Dr. Neerja Haleja, Head of Science and Regulatory Affairs, Yakult Danone India Pvt. Limited, New Delhi and Address by Chief Guest Prof. (Dr.) B. Suresh , present there, which encapsulated a radical, integrated and motivational approach to concerned Healthcare discourse.

In the gracious presence of Chief Guest, Dr. B. Suresh, unveiling of the conference’s proceedings and release of the Book, jointly edited by Prof.(Dr.) Rohit Dutt, Associate Dean , School of Medical and Allied Sciences, GD Goenka University ; Dr. Anil Sharma , Assistant Professor, GD Goenka University and Mr. Raj Keservani , was done amidst the spirited cheer of the audience.

The Conference was constituted of multifold Technical Sessions, aiming to render a better understanding of the conference’s theme and academic aesthetics. The First technical session included a Panel Discussion on ‘Need of Herbal Pharmacovigilance’, whose proficient moderator was Mr. Kuldeep Chauhan and the skilled panelists included , Prof. (Dr.) M.C. Gupta- Senior Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, PGIMS, Rohtak ; Dr. Shashank K Singh, Principal Scientist, CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Canal Road, Jammu ; Dr.Nipun Patil ; Dr. Godwin Newton , Assistant General Manager, Shri Baidyanath Ayurveda Bhawan Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad .
Second Technical Session included a stimulating talk on ‘Global Perspectives of Indigenous System of Medicines (Herbalism) in Current Era’, by Dr. Anil Kumar Sharma, Vice President, AIMIL Pharmaceuticals India Ltd. Third Technical was a Hands on Training Session on ‘Microwave Assisted Synthesis: Instrumentation and Application’, by Mr. Sultan Singh, Product Manager, Anton Paar India Pvt. Limited.

And Fourth Technical Session was Hands on Training Session on “Viscometry: Instrumentation and Application” , by Mr Rahul Sharma Product Specialist, Anton Paar India Pvt. Limitedngh, Product Manager, Anton Paar India Pvt. Limited.

Apart from the Pharmacy tracks, Physiotherapy and Nutrition tracks were also simultaneously commenced and the adequate knowledge was rendered. In Nutrition domain, Dr. Neerja Hajela and Dr. Sandhya Pandey were Guest Speakers. In the Physiotherapy track, Dr. Hema Valecha, Dr. Savita Ravindra and Dr. Kshitija lend productive insightful knowledge to the audience.

Alongside, Poster presentation session was also observed and instructed by the Academic and Scientific committee of the University, wherein some thought- provoking ideas were harmoniously executed in their efforts done for the same. Conference culminated with a valedictory ceremony, by applauding the winners of the Poster session and many students-participants gave a paper presentation, whose reach and cognitive acumen was also acknowledged by the University.

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