On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, September 10, 2020, School of Medical and Allied Sciences, GD Goenka University organized a Live Webinar on ‘Laugh Out Loud: Towards a Healthy Life’ to essentially celebrate the importance of Laughter for a meaningful life, as the real magic lies in enjoying the purposes of life, to celebrate it jovially and ‘laugh out’ all the modern-day anxieties. Dr. Harish Rawat, International Laughter Yoga Guru, Founder of ‘Lot of Laughter’ Yoga and a Guinness and Limca World Record Holder was the ‘brightest and happiest’ star of the event. Dr. Rawat explained that one needs to approach Laughter therapy thinking of it as an invitation to ‘laugh for no reason’, faking it until it becomes real. Laughing is a way to strengthen all immune functions, bring more oxygen to the body and brain, foster positive feelings and improve interpersonal skills, Dr. Rawat beautifully shares. A live demonstration of various Laughter Yogas was also done by Dr. Rawat, leaving the participants jubilant and healed. Everyone came closer to visiting to the ability of fully living and experiencing the “here and now”, and understood its utmost importance to experience subliminal joy in life! One needs to loose themselves freely in their Laughter to let their ‘laugh’ and the magic embedded in it free their minds from deepest regrets and worries, empowering them to simply enjoy the very ‘art and act’ of human living.




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