Coder’s Club organized ‘CodeXcelerate Bootcamp’ started on 24 October 2024 with a three-day coding and entrepreneurship immersion. The event aimed to enhance technical and entrepreneurial skills through workshops, ideathons, and hackathons. Day 1 witnessed talks by Yograj Rundhanker, B.Tech (CSE- AI&ML), 2021-25 on Entrepreneurship and Aryan Saini, B.Tech (CSE- AI&ML), 2021-25 on Git and GitHub. Day 2 focused on coding concepts, networking, and career insights by Sahil Rajput and Rohan Mujoo from HACK2SKILL. The Grand Finale included expert talks by Shubham Shakti, B.Tech (CSE- AI&ML), 2021-25 on the ‘Microsoft Startup Accelerator Program’, and Jay Saadana, Devrel Lead India, Quira and Founder, Social emphasized the importance of open-source contributions, showcasing their role in building communities and creating career opportunities. The event concluded with a quiz and felicitation ceremony, inspiring participants to explore technology and startups.

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February 21, 2023 Anveshana 2023

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