The Science of Today is the Technology of Tomorrow\'.
- Edward Teller

To commemorate the invention of \'The Raman Effect\' by the veteran Indian Physicist, Sir ChandrasekharaVenkata Raman, National Science Day was celebrated at School of Education, G D Goenka University with great enthusiasm on February 28, 2018.

A number of activities are organized to celebrate this day. Student-teachers put up a special assembly on the History and Importance of the National Science Day. They made presentations and speeches on the theme of National Science Day 2018 \'Science and Technology for Sustainable Future\' as well as the \'Contributions of Women Scientists of India\'. A Science Quiz and Science Antakshari were organized. Furthermore, an exhibition of science projects, models, charts and demonstrations was organized. The celebrations included screening of science movies to foster joyful learning among school children. An essay writing competition was organized on the topics- \'Science and Technology for Sustainable Future\' and \'Contribution of Indian women in Scientific Development of our Nation\'.

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