School of Medical and Allied Sciences, GD Goenka University, Gurugram organized a Guest lecture by Sh. S. L. NASA, Registrar-Delhi Pharmacy Council on 4th October, 2019. He effectively enumerated heaps of wisdom regarding various career prospective and opportunities in the Pharmacy domain.
Also, adding more to the knowledge tank of the students, he shared the latest news and updates from the regulatory bodies, elaborated how the pharmacists are now a force of empowerment and briefed the novelty of pharmacy profession and its evolution in the Indian context. Sh. Nasa rendered an informative insight on ever-expanding job opportunities created by Governmental bodies such as Hospital Pharmacist, Pharmacist at blood bank, Drug Inspector, Academics where pharmacy students could play a vital role in the betterment of healthcare system. Moreover, he also mentioned about the bridge course for diploma holders to help them in their career growth and Pharm. D course in India. The culminating Interaction with the students about various doubts and apprehensions left a motivating influence in their thought patterns. Such episodes of intellectual deliberations and dialectics of knowledge provide a rare, productive opportunity for all the students and participants to understand and clear their doubts for dynamic career prospective.

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