School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education as part of the cultural week on Aug 25, 2022, organized a book reading event. The week-long Culture Week program provides an opportunity for people to deepen their understanding of cultural diversity. It's a time for celebration and recognition of the students as well as the school's achievements. Everyday Inclusion is the things we do, the way we behave, and how we interact with each other on a daily basis that supports our culture and behaviors to be a truly inclusive environment. More than 10 students gathered to exhibit their talent. Each and every book extract read out spoke about their subjectivities, their stories, their intricate lives, and so on.

In the modern age, students and adults have moved away from the act of reading books and the beauty of interpretation they bring along with their existential realities. We decided to host this event in order to contribute a small bucket of water to the ocean of already existing knowledge, a little nudge, a push.

Dr. Mohammad Kamran Ahsan was the judge for the event and he chose Felistas as the winner for the event.

The organizing committee consisted of Rishika Shree, Twinkle Jain and Dr Agniva Pal.

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