‘Twas a recent December night at approximately 7.15pm, that the carolers started singing songs praising the day Jesus Christ was born.

During the week before that, fifteen students from different schools gathered each day, practicing seven Christmas Carols to perform at Hyatt Regency. We were all pretty excited for the day! We would practice in the university with our mentors, Mrs. Shivani and Ms. Khushboo. Braving the cold weather, we would also meet every night determinedly to practice and perfect each one of the carols so that we could put on a great show.

On the day itself, all fifteen students came dressed according to the red-and-black dress code, looking great and merry. Some of us also invited our friends along. At our destination, we met up with Ms. Khushboo who then guided us throughout the event. Armed with our red Santa hats and guitars for our two guitarists, we lined up in the lobby in front of the Christmas tree and began to sing.

None of us were professional singers but we got great attention and encouragement from the guests at Hyatt Regency! Some of them even sung along, making the mood jollier. We sung the complete seven songs and even sung a few of them more because the crowd seemed to appreciate it! It included Feliz Navidad and Jingle Bells, my personal favourites. We clapped along to Feliz Navidad and that instantly brightened up the room and even got the children’s attention. Santa also happened to be sauntering around the area, handing out chocolates and sweets to the guests.

The guests were really nice and clapped for us when we finished singing. I think that simple act made us all a bit happier inside. We certainly had a lot of fun just singing but we had a lot more fun when we went to the buffet! The dishes were extremely delicious and the desserts just spectacular! I, personally, stuffed myself with the food and was very satisfied. Also, when I was getting food with my friend and classmate, Sneha Hossain, we were stopped by a man who happened to be at our performance earlier. He praised our singing and even said heartily, “God bless you all!” That really made our day.

Obviously, dinner also meant photo sessions. We took a lot of selfies and group photos for us to look back on and reminiscence. The only time our mood became a little sullen was when we had to leave. We were all wishing for another chance to go caroling again. Nevertheless, the night was much appreciated and enjoyed! I certainly would love to do this again, within the university or outside.

That being said, I want to wish you a merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart!

Blog Writer: Kamana Rai, B A (Hons) Psychology, SOHSS

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