Dr. Anjali Vyas
Assistant Professor, SoES
Qualification: Graduation(B.E (Mechanical Engg.)2003, Post-Graduation (M.E (Thermal Engg.)2010,Ph.D(Ph.D. (Mechanical Engg.)2017
College/University: Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur ,Jodhpur National University ,Jodhpur

Anjali Vyas is a Mechanical Engineer with a background in Thermal Engineering. She is an expert with comprehensive knowledge of Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics and Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
Anjali has teaching experience of 8.5 years and prior to joining this organization, she joined as an Assistant professor at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai and Raisoni College of Engineering, Pune.
She has Completed NPTEL course in Heat and Mass Transfer with top 5% score in April 2018. She was appointed as judge in National project competition ICARUS 2019 in Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology.
Publications (from 2015)
Scholarly Journals
- Design and Fabrication of Solar Air Heater to Increase Heat Transfer Rate using Artificial Roughness in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072, Volume: 06 Issue: 03 ( Anjali Vyas1, Sanchit Gupta2, Amankumar Jaiswal3, Chaitanya Jire4, Aditya Joshi5,Mar 2019)
- "Effect of Tubercles on Aerodynamic Performance of NACA 0015,in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072, Volume: 06 Issue: 03 (Hardeep Singh Lall1, Jaitra Khanna2, Harsh Khatri3, Sahil Mhapankar4, Parmeshwar Paul5 Anjali. A. Vyas6 ,) Mar 2019
- Study of Potential Applications of Nano fluids in Nuclear Power Reactors in Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation Technology Volume 7, Issue 4,1000193(Anjali Vyas and Priyanka Pandit,2018).
- Energy efficient oven for metal melting in Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-7, Issue-2, ISSN: 2454-1362,( Anjali A.Vyasa ,Pritesh S. Vedaka , Pavankumar R.Sharmab 2017).
- CFD Based Thermal Efficiency Analysis of Solar Air Heater with Smooth Plate & Perforated Plate in Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-2, ISSN: 2454-1362(Anjali A. Vyas1 & Dr. Dinesh shringi2, 2017).
- CFD analysis of solar air heater with perforated baffle on absorber plate in International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research e-ISSN No: 2349-9745, vol.2, Issue 7, pp.-1986-1991,( Hrishikesh A. Dhandha1, Anjali A. Vyas2,2015)
Anjali Vyass research involves Performance Analysis of Solar Air Heater to enhance the Heat transfer rate using Artificial Roughness. Her Research work deals with an Experimentation on solar air heater to find out enhancement in efficiency due to artificial roughness on absorber plate. Perforated baffles have been used as artificial roughness which is attached underneath the absorber plate of the duct. Thermal performance analysis of solar air heater was carried out for ranging Reynolds number 3000 , 11000 and results were validated in ANSYS Fluent module. Performance evaluation of solar air heater with provision of baffles to the air passage area was the main focus of the work.
An attempt has been made to produce thermal performance analysis to determine fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of solar air heater. Artificial roughness is used in solar air heater absorber plate to break laminar boundary sub layer. It enhances rate of heat transfer from the absorber plate to the over flowing air stream. Heat transfer to the air flow in rectangular ducts with perforated baffles attached to one of the broad walls. The duct has width-to-height ratio of 7.77; the baffle pitch to height ratio is 29; the baffle height-to- duct height ratio is 0.495. It was proven beyond doubt that solar air heaters with the baffles can efficiently promote air turbulence, thereby increasing the heat transfer coefficient and efficiency.
Contribution to Profession And Awards
- Organized as academic co-ordinator in GH Raisoni college of Engineering ,Pune(2013)
- Handled the responsibility Of Result Analysis in Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai (2018)
- Handled the responsibility of class advisor in GH Raisoni college of Engineering ,Pune and Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai
- Organized for NBA certification for the Department and NAAC certification for Institute in Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai
- Organized Industrial Visit for students in GH Raisoni college of Engineering ,Pune and Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai
- Organized as guide of UG students and co-guide of PG student in GH Raisoni college of Engineering ,Pune and Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai
- Organized as Project coordinator in Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai (2018-2019)
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