School of Engineering & Sciences | August 01, 2021 Humanized mice are instrumental to the study of plasmodium falciparum infection
Name of journal : Frontiers of immunology
Name of the author/s : Rajeev Tyagi, Nikunj Tandel, Richa Deshpande, Robert W Engelman, Satish D Patel, Priyanka Tyagi
School of Engineering & Sciences | August 01, 2021 Cosmology using long gamma ray bursts: statistical analysis of errors in the calibrated data
Name of journal : Research in astronomy and astrophysics, iop
Name of the author/s : Meghendra Singh, Shashikant Gupta, Amit Sharma, Satendra Sharma
School of Engineering & Sciences | August 01, 2021 Systems modeling and analysis:a case study of eaep manufacturing plant
Name of journal : International journal of advanced science and technology
Name of the author/s : Rajbala, Arun Kumar, Deepika Garg
School of Engineering & Sciences | August 01, 2021 Supernova type ia diversity: a study using dbscan algorithm
Name of journal : Ijatcse
Name of the author/s : Neha Malik, Vivek Jaglan, Meenu Vijrania, Nidhi Arora and Shashikant Gupta
School of Engineering & Sciences | August 01, 2021 Scientific numerical pattern in stringed-fretted musical instrument
Name of journal : Mathematical journal for interdisciplinary sciences
Name of the author/s : Anindita Roy Chowdhury and Naresh Sharma
School of Engineering & Sciences | August 01, 2021 Ruthenium(iii)-bis(phenolato)bipyridine/tio2 hybrids : unprecedented photocatalytic hydrogen evolution
Name of journal : Dalton transactions
Name of the author/s : Binitendra Naath Mongal, Amritanjali Tiwari, Ujjwal Pal and Malapaka Chandrasekharam
School of Engineering & Sciences | August 01, 2021 Rna-loaded dendritic cells: more than a tourde force in cancer therapeutics
Name of journal : Immunotherapy
Name of the author/s : Aishwarya Joshi, Nikunj Tandel, Priyanka Tyagi, Sarat K Dalai, Prakash S Bisen & Rajeev K
School of Engineering & Sciences | August 01, 2021 Mycobacterium tuberculosis programs mesenchymal stem cells to establish dormancy and persistence
Name of journal : Journal of clinical investigations if 12.282
Name of the author/s : Shashank Shivaji Kamble, Ved Prakash Dwivedi, Debapriya Bhattacharya, Luc Van Kaer, Sujata Mohanty, Gobardhan Das
School of Engineering & Sciences | August 01, 2021 Monotone iterative technique for sobolev type fractional integrodifferential equations with fractional nonlocal conditions
Name of journal : Rendiconti del circolo matematico palermo series 2
Name of the author/s : Renu Chaudhary
School of Engineering & Sciences | August 01, 2021 Molecular dynamics simulations to study the interaction between carbon nanotube and calmodulin protein
Name of journal : Material today: proceedings
Name of the author/s : Dwij Mehta, Sunita Negi and Rajaraman Ganesh
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