Introduction to Part-time Ph.D.
The part-time Ph.D. program allows working professionals to fulfil their scholarly
aspirations. It enables them to undertake research under an experienced faculty supervisor,
paving the way for a future in research or academia. GD Goenka University offers the
opportunity to pursue part-time Ph.D. to eligible candidates.
What is a Part-Time Ph.D.?
Part-time Ph.D. programs cater to working professionals who want to conduct research and
pursue an advanced degree in their preferred discipline. The University Grants Commission
(UGC) in India introduced new guidelines for part-time doctoral programs in 2022, allowing
employed individuals to undertake research without leaving their jobs.
A part-time Ph.D. scholar can work on the research topic in consultation with their faculty
supervisor while continuing to meet their professional obligations. This program provides
flexibility to individuals who want to pursue research but lack the financial stability to give
up their employment.
What are the Pros and Cons of Pursuing a Part-time Ph.D.?
Enrolling in a part-time Ph.D. program offers the following advantages:
● Financial Stability: The candidate can retain their source of income while they
pursue the program. In addition, the fees for part-time programs are often lower
than for full-time Ph.D. programs.
● Flexibility: Part-time Ph.D. programs allow scholars to manage their research and
work commitments with more flexibility than a full-time program.
● Practical Perspective: As the candidates continue to work, they can remain in touch
with the industry. This aspect can help them incorporate a practical perspective in
their research.
However, some candidates may experience the following challenges with a part-time
● High Workload: Candidates must balance their professional commitments with
research tasks, which may be stressful for some. An applicant should consider this
aspect before applying for a part-time Ph.D. program.
● Time-Consuming: This part-time research degree may take more time to complete
than a full-time Ph.D. program. Although the minimum and maximum time limits are
similar, part-time scholars may require additional time to manage their professional
Difference Between Part-time and Full-Time Ph.D. Programs
The main differences between part-time and full-time programs lie in terms of their
duration and flexibility. A part-time scholar may take 4-6 years to complete their research,
while full-time scholars are more likely to fulfil their degree requirements in 3-5 years.
However, the part-time Ph.D. program allows scholars to retain their job, which is not an
option for full-time researchers.
Edge of Pursuing Part-time Ph.D. over Full-time Ph.D.
Pursuing a part-time Ph.D. program offers researchers more flexibility. They can conduct
research at their own pace while being assured of a stable income. Their job security
ensures additional peace of mind as they pursue this advanced degree.