It is believed that best teachers are artists who know the science of teaching. It is a continuous endeavour at School of Education, G D Goenka University to transform student-teachers in to competent, responsible as well as committed nation builders.

School Experience Programme (SEP) is the nucleus of teacher education. It provides prospective teachers rigorous training, enriching as well as variegated experiences as school interns. To prepare them for teaching in real situation, the School of Education organized a pre- SEP Workshop on Microteaching from August 08- 22, 2017 for student-teachers of Semester III. On August 8, 2017 a day long Orientation programme on School Experience Programme-III was conducted by the faculty. This was followed by teaching skills acquisition and demonstration phase by faculty. During 09-22 August, 2017 the student –teachers mastered the various skills in the science and art of teaching. Practicing step by step, one skill at a time for a short duration and micro content of a lesson, they learnt ways of introducing a lesson, creating stimulus variation, questioning and explaining, use of probing questions to stimulate thinking among the learners, demonstration of teaching –learning resources, response management and reinforcement, blackboard writing and managing classroom behaviour. The teaching sessions were followed by feedback from peer student-teachers and faculty supervisors. The workshop concluded with sharing of reflections by student-teachers on their learning experiences.

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