The Department of Electrical and Electronics, School of Engineering, GD Goenka University organized a one-dayworkshop on Cisco Networking on23nd February,2018 for their students.Students from different branches of engineering along with faculty membersDr. Manju Aggarwal and Ms. Ila Mehta participated in the workshop.

The workshop was taken by Mr. Siddharth Tiwari, the technical trainer of Network Bull who briefed the participants about the organizationand the core networking areas. Hefurther explained the technicalities involved in the various networks and the software used in the industry. The presentation was followed by the demonstration of networking using cisco packet tracer.Various career opportunities related to the area both within and outside their company was also discussed.

The students got an opportunity to practically work on CISCO packet tracer software by assigning IP address, and learnt through live switches and routers through which current day networking is done. They got hands-on experience on how to transmit information/message, control network devices using software and performlive monitoring and controlling of the network devices.It was good practical exposure for the students and brought in enormous learning.

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February 14, 2022 Group Discussion Event


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