On a bright Thursday morning of 31st October, 2019, GD Goenka University celebrated ‘RashtriyaEktaDiwas- National Unity Day’ to commemorate the 144th birth anniversary of VallabhbhaiJhaverbhai Patel, admirably known as Sardar Patel. The ‘Iron Man of India’, as he is justly called, originally born in Gujarat, had a prolific personality encompassing a stoic character of resolute determination and ambitious vision of National Integration. Sardar Patel’s pivotal role in successfully integrating over 500 princely states under the Indian Dominion after Independence, is remembered and cherished every year on this day.

With overwhelming smiles and proud ‘Indian’ hearts, the event began with the presence of Prof. (Dr.) SukuBhaskaran, President of GD Goenka University, Prof. (Dr.) Tanuja Kaushik, Dean, Student Welfare and International Relations, Mr.Narender Sharma, Registrar, GD Goenka University and all the respected Deans of various schools.  After a brief enumeration of Sardar Patel’s role and significance in creating an integrated, inclusive India, the song performance by our students left the audience spellbound. The lyrics like ‘merewatan’ definitely struck a chord with all hearts and made everyone more hopeful and insightful for the nation’s future. After this symphonic moment, the dance performance on a classical themed music added to the adrenaline rush, rendering pure satisfaction and cheer.

Prof. (Dr.) SukuBhaskaran, President, GD Goenka University, initiated the Pledge ceremony, wherein everybody took a pledge to responsibly deliver their duties, whilst believing in the Unified territory of our country. The National Anthem followed the pledge, with tall stature and heads held high, everyone could feel a strong sense of nationhood.

The ‘Run for Unity’ towards the end of the ceremony, in which both the faculty members and students participated made sure that we all shall unite in consolidated brotherhood and stay integrated, despite of diversity, to ensure a better nation and a unified Indian fraternity.

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