Plans are nothing, planning is everything.

Revelation 2019, Business Plan Competition was organized by the School of Management, GD Goenka University, Gurgaon. The event was to involve the young entrepreneurs to showcase their bright ideas and learn new experiences and to know about the operations and functioning of the business. Honorable President of GDGU Prof. (Dr.) SukuBhaskaran, Dean of SoM Prof. (Dr.) Kim Menezes and dignitaries inaugurated the event by lamp lighting with invocation to Saraswati – Goddess of Learning. The opening ceremony started with the great quotation “Good Ideas are common - what’s uncommon are people who will work hard enough to bring them about.”

The chief guest for the event was Dr.BabuLal, Former Executive Director,Human Resource Development Institute, BHEL. The Jury members were Mr.Gaurav Man, Founder- K2B Learning, MrVivek Sharma,Head Business Development, Square Yards,MrAnkur Das Gupta, Grand Jury, Inkspell Media, Delhi and Dr. Anjali Midha Saran, Dean Research, GDGU.

Prof. (Dr.) SukuBhaskaran, President and Prof. (Dr.) Kim Menezes, Dean-SoM welcomed our chief guest Dr. BabuLal,Former Executive Director, HRDI, BHEL with a great honour.Dr. BabuLal addressed the audience and emphasizedabout the corporate planning, market research and development. He gave theadvice to always TRY TO LEARN NEW TOOLS. He also added that A LEADER MUST BE A VERY ACTIVE IN LISTENING. Dr. Lalalso stressed on updating and learning new things in life and he mentioned the name of two must read books – The ATTACKER’S ADVANTAGE and EXECUTION by Ram Charan.

21 teams from various institutes and universities, namely KIET, JIMS, LPU, Jaipuria Institute of Management, IITM, IMS, Army Institute of Management, KIET-Gurgaon, K.R Mangalam, etc. participated in the event and presented their unique business plans. Ideas were presented covering wide areas like development of Apps for providing technical support to small & medium firms, Booking Hostel/PG App, App for providing doorstep medical services, online nursery services, Jute bags, organic farming, vertical farming and so on.

In the Valedictory Ceremony, the judges Mr. Gaurav Man, Founder- K2B Learning, MrVivek Sharma, Head Business Development, Square Yards, MrAnkur Das Gupta, Grand Jury, Inkspell Media, Delhiand Dean of SoM Prof. (Dr.) Kim Menezesfelicitated the winning teams. Team from KIET, Ghaziabad grabbed the first position and received twenty thousand rupees cash prize. The Ist runner-up team was from LPU Jalandhar, bagged ten thousand as cash prize and the IIndrunner-up were from the GDGU, received five thousand as cash prize.

The winning team members of the competition are:

Winner            : KIET, Gurgaon Mayank Banal, AnishJha, Lovely Mangla
IstRunner-up : LPU, Jalandhar Vikas Kumar, Kundan Kumar, HozaanNajmi
IInd Runner-up : GD Goenka University, Gurgaon ManideepAthimamula, Tanvi dixit, Narsimha, ShubhamPatidar

Congratulating the winning teams, all judges stated that the overall effort by all teams was extremely professional. It was amazing to see the level of passion and interest that the participants demonstrated. They encouraged the participants and guided them for their future career path. The event ended with the Vote of Thanks by Mr. Rajneesh Kler, SoM, GDGoenka University.

Some of them are – Team 12’s idea was CREDIT TRUST INDIA – A Non-Bank Financial Institution which is basically for supporting crop production firms from the financial side. Apart from this they will also facilitate bank-related financial service, such as INESTMENT, RISK POOLING, CONTRACTUAL SAVINGS and MARKET BROKERING; Team 14’s thinking was GENESIS – A Technical Start-up. Their mission “Serving the small & medium firm with Technical support”; Team 16’s cogitation was CURI TEC – A Medical Service Company which will provide Door step service to customers. And they will also serve the society as well by spreading awareness for regular Check-Up. As they mentioned their main focus will be on urban people; Team 18 presented on ORGANIC FARMING AT HOME. Basically their plan is installing roof top nurseries in houses. They will target to those people who are having the hobby of gardening. With this installation you can get pure green vegetable – which is required for long-life. Thus, all the teams proposed their respective plan and made the event successful.

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