School of Law, GD Goenka University proactively participated in the National Law Day-2017 event on 25th-26th November at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi conducted jointly by the Law Commission of India and NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India). School of Law, GD Goenka University was one of the members of the Core Committee for the event. The two day event was inaugurated by Hon’ble President Shri Ram NathKovind on 25th November while the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi delivered the Valedictory Address on 26th November.

In order to encourage the participation of law students and academic institutions during the proposed National Law Day Celebrations, Law Commission invited research papers on some recent topics effecting judiciary, legislature and the executives. Out of 172 research papers received by the Law Commission of India, maximum papers were submitted by the faculty members and students of School of Law; and out of 28 papers which has been selected for publication, maximum are from School of Law, G D Goenka University.

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