After rigorous sessions in the quarter-finals of the competitive GD Goenka CIArb(India) International Commercial Arbitration Competition, 2019, four best teams out of eight were selected to proceed to the semi-finals. The eminent debating and the level of the negotiations by the participating teams took the judges by surprise. However, at the end of such an impactful session the esteemed judges chose the two most deserving teams as the finalists.
Justice Ina Malhotra, Judicial member, NCLT was the Chief Guest of the Valedictory session, Guest of Honour was Former Judge of Andhra Pradesh High court P.S Narayan and  Mr. Lalit Bhasin, President, CIArb (India), SILF,  Mr. Ganesh Chandru, Executive Partner at Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan and Former Judge P.S Narain were adjourning the Finale along with Mr. Lalit Bhasin. The results were then announced in the presence of the esteemed judges and the awarding ceremony was completed. The judges mentioned how each team had definitely put forth their best and how it was definitely a tough call for them.
Law Center 1, University of Delhi won the prestigious Competition, Amity Law School, IP were the runners up. The Best Speaker award (female) was awarded to Raashika Kapoor, Amity law School IP and best speaker male was awarded to Devarsh Kotak, GNLU. The award for Best Memorial was given to RGNLU. After the award ceremony was completed, cash prize worth two lakhs rupees was awarded to the winners.
As correctly put forth by Mr. Lalit Bhasin in his presidential address that each participant is a winner as they were the chosen one to represent their universities in this competition. Cheif Guest Justice Indu Malhotra said that Arbitration provides array of choices, quick decision making and has cost benefits.

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