GDGU iHOST 2017 was held at Le Cordon Bleu School of Hospitality, G D Goenka University on 15th February, 2017. It was the second International Conference organized by the Le Cordon Bleu, School of Hospitality. The theme of the conference was ‘Gastronomy, Tourism & Globalization’.

Today the hospitality industry in India is at the cusp of unprecedented growth. The global hotel industry revenue is predicted to reach 550 billion US dollars in 2017. Europe and Asia Pacific are key regions with the highest hotel occupancy rates at over 68% respectively. More than the financial figures, this industry stands for warmth and welcome, for peace and prosperity, for happiness and hedonistic pleasures, for commemorating celebrations and milestones.The Conference attracted 41 papers from scholars and academicians from all over India. 29 scholars presented the papers in two technical sessions. The papers were reviewed and compiled as a Book of Proceedings and launched on the day of the Conference.

The Inaugural Session was a glittering, star-studded event with leading thespians of the industry and academician congregating under one roof. The event was inaugurated by Traditional SaraswatiVandana& Lamp Lighting Ceremony.The welcome address was done by Conference Chairand Dean, Le Cordon Bleu School of Hospitality,Prof. (Dr.) Y. G. Tharakan, the inaugural address was done by Prof. (Dr.) Deependra Kumar Jha, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, G.D.Goenka University, Key note address by Dr. Roger Haden, Academic Director, Le Cordon Bleu, Australia followed by the address of Mr. Aseem Kapoor, General Manager, Hyatt Regency, New Delhi; and Chef Manjeet Gill, Executive Chef ITC Maurya&Corporate Chef, ITC Hotels.

Speaking at the Inaugural session, Prof. (Dr.) Deependra Kumar Jha emphasized the importance of ‘Emotional Quotient’ as a unique ‘Hospitality Quotient’ besides IQ or Intelligence Quotient in students of hospitality.

Prof.(Dr.) Y. G.Tharakan, Dean, Le Cordon Bleu School of Hospitality welcomed the delegates with fervor and enthusiasm, and shared the changing needs of the millennium traveler and the challenges ahead for the professionals of the hospitality industry.

Dr. Roger Haden, Academic Director, Le Cordon Bleu Australia spoke of the unique hospitality ethos of conviviality and caring for people.

The session was concluded with the Vote of thanks of by Ms. Suchismita Roy.

The Plenary session was conducted by Dr. Rohit Srivastava, a researcher on Molecular Gastronomy, spoke on the Sustainable innovation of future foods with emphasis on Molecular Gastronomy & Dr. Ganesh Bagler, Professor IIIT, Delhi had done an elborate presentation on the Novel food pairing pattern in the Indian Cuisine.

The technical sessions attracted diverse papers on topics ranging from: Role of Tourist in the Evolution of Gastronomy, Global Education in Hospitality, Eco Hotels and sustainable Hotel Trends to Event Management.

The i HOST 2017 ended with a wonderful cultural show. Students performed Western Music and dance followed by the Certificate distribution and Vote of Thanks.

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