School of Medical and Allied Sciences ,GD Goenka University,organized a seminar on “Industrial Perspective of Pharamceutics and Biomedical Engineering"on February 28, 2022 .The Guest Speaker for the seminar was Dr.Rajan SohanSingh Bawa,Chief Scientific Officer and Institutional Officer CARE Research Collarado and also he serving as the visiting professor at BITS Pilani,Goa. The programme started at 9:30 am with the welcome note and presentation of Plant Sapling as a token of welcome to the Guest Speaker by Dean Dr.Rohit Dutt.This marked the formal opening of the seminar,and Dr.Bawa also inaugurated the event organised on the occasion of National Science Day.

Dr.Anadi Jangra , Moderator gave the opening remarks to the seminar by introducing the guest speaker and his accomplishments. And then Dr.Bawa delivered his lecture on the topic Industrial perspective of Pharmaceutics and Biomedical Engineering.The seminar was rightly aligned to the mission of our school to facilitate innovative and advance research in the area of Medical and Allied Sciences and motivate the budding researchers of SoMAS.

The lecture was an exposure to the interface between pharmaceuticals and biomedical engineering.Dr.Bawa gave a comprehensive note about different implants, preperation and testing, Organization of CRO,Clinical trials,new drug development, ocular drug delivery systems testing and preperation, COVID 19 vaccine and cure testing and trials.The whole session was really made very engaging by Dr.Rajan Sohansingh Bawa by sharing his research work and diversified experience with the Students.He stated the future prospects of Health industry and pharmaceutical market in our country and how India has served the world community in the times of COVID 19.The programme wrapped up with a question and answer session in which Dr. Bawa attended all the queries of students and faculty members and also inspired students to go ahead and explore this field of biomedical engineering.

Moderator Dr.Jangra presented a formal vote of Thanks to the guest speaker and the session ended with an enthusiastic note on persuing research and contributing to your country India.

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