School of Medical and Allied Sciences G D Goenka University coordinated a webinar entitled “Radiation Protection” on 29th June 2021. The speaker for the webinar was Mr. Mohan Lal Bhagwat, Vice President of the Indian Society of Radiographers & Radio technologists and senior vice President of Joint Forum of Medical Technologists of India. This webinar was organized with a reason to spread awareness of radiation protection or safety to minimize the risk of radiation during radio-diagnostic procedures as well as the use of radiation in a good way. It is mandatory to reaffirm science in its different fields of study, including radiation safety. 

Mr. Mohan Lal Bhagwat provided detailed information about Radiation safety techniques to prevent the effect of radiation. He illustrated radiation safety during the radio-diagnostic procedure. He elaborated the radiation effect on the general public and radiology community, handling of radiology equipment as well as radiation protection accessories. He broadened some light on do’s & don’t of radiation safety. He highlighted that due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, there is a high increase in radio-diagnostic tests like CT scans and X-rays. So there is an urgent requirement for the healthcare sector of radiology to comply with measures to protect radiation workers from contracting Covid-19 as well as radiation. The meeting ended with inquisitive inquiries and Mr. Mohan Lal Bhagwat candidly answered the queries with the best explanation. At the end of the webinar, Mr. Mohan Lal Bhagwat finished by saying “X-rays are harmful only when we are careless”.

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