The concluding day of the orientation program in itself summarised the theme of activities in “words and spirits”. There was an immersive and virtual lecture on “Professional Etiquettes and Grooming” by …... The charismatic resource person Dr. Anadi Jangra a renowned Soft Skills trainer and professional life coach. Was at its best to engage students during session. The Workshop aimed to familiarize participants with much needed basics of Professional Etiquettes and grooming and on how to develop personality as per the changing demand and contexts of healthcare industry. Participants also learnt to evaluate oneself (Self Introspection) for further growth, personally and professionally.

Further GD Goenka Uplearn academy in association with GD Goenka University hosted a Live webinar on “Regenerative Tourism- Steps beyond sustainability" on 10 th Sept 2021 at 11am, by Dr.Samiha Chemli ,Associate Professor at University of Deusto, Spain, Moderated by Dr.Deepti Wadera of School of Management, G D Goenka University. The session entailed how tourism sector is evolving and working towards sustainability thus leading to regenerative tourism.

The session showcased various interesting aspects related to Tourists namely pledge to Hands on community based tour to staycation to post covid protocols. It indeed made all of us retrospect as to how we can contribute towards sustainable tourism!

The program sublimed the atmosphere with highly enthusiastic Talent show from freshers coordinated by Dr. Jyoti Goyat & Abhishek Sharma Assistant Professor SoMAS.

The student’s attire and performances put all in colourful and joyous mood. The competition included talents in various field like: Dance, Song & mandala art etc. The students enthralled the audience with their scintillating performances. Many students displayed their talents by dancing on entertaining music and left the audience spellbound. The event was virtual but it spilled the feelings as if “Real”.

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