Human Values define the quality of a person, an organization and society at large. Practitioners of values and ethics learn these lessons through self-initiated endeavors, through the life experience that is the greatest laboratory of learning, and through the educational institutions, that they attend. Hence, the educational institutions themselves need to be values and ethics personified. It is needless to emphasize that education is the most important pillar of a civilized and dignified society.

The entire structure of society or nation depends on the strength of this pillar. If this pillar is strong, society will remain humane and will prosper. If this pillar develops some fractures, society may enter into a sub-human phase. Thus, there is a need to keep emphasizing the importance of human values in educational institutions. Human values and ethics are not like motor skills, which once mastered remain us with forever.

They are not skills, they belong not even to the domain of mere knowledge, they, in fact, belong to the domain of subtler understanding and practice. Values and ethics have the nature of camphor –they evaporate if not preserved carefully. Hence there is a need to discuss and streamline the process that helps to infuse the culture of human values and ethics in educational institutions.

Knowledge is power but practice and implementation of human values and ethics demand action orientation, supported by proactive culture in institutions. Department of Pharmacy, School of Medical and Allied Sciences, GD Goenka University (GDGU) has been working closely towards the common objective of creating awareness of Human Values and organized a seminar on this topic on 26th October 2023 at B-007 of B block, G D Goenka University, Sohna, Gurugram Campus.

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