School of Medical and Allied Sciences G D Goenka University coordinated a webinar entitled “Impact of Food Safety on COVID 19 and way forward” on 25th June 2021. The speaker for the webinar was Dr. Shradha Sodhani, co-founder of Health Quotient, India. This webinar was organized with the reason to spread the awareness of food safety techniques to suppress the risk of the pandemic as well as to respond effectively to this pandemic, it is mandatory to reaffirm science in its different fields of study, including the food safety area. 

Dr. Shradha Sodhani Agarwala provided detailed information about Food safety techniques to prevent the spread of COVID 19. She illustrated the transmission mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 and Novel aspects of Food Safety towards the post COVID Era. She elaborated on the disinfection of food contact, handling of packaged foods as well as fresh ones. She explained about food traceability; a tool for epidemiologic investigation and impact on the food safety testing market by testing Technologies. Additionally, she broadened some light on do’s & don’t of food safety. She highlighted that due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, there is an urgent requirement for the food industry to comply with measures to protect food handlers from contracting COVID 19, to prevent exposure to, or transmission of the virus, and to strengthen food hygiene and sanitation practices. The meeting ended with inquisitive inquiries and Dr. Shradha candidly answered the queries with the best explanation. At the end of the webinar, Dr. Shradha finished by saying that “Cleaning, sanitation, good hygienic practices, and active packaging are also needed from farm to fork”.

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