Good health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being- a healthy mind, body, and spirit. To make students aware regarding the importance of Nutrition, Department of Nutrition & Health, SoMAS celebrated “WORLD NUTRITION DAY” on November 10, 2017. In association with Le Cordon Bleu of Hospitality Department, students came up with healthy and nutritious dissert “Carrot-ina Treat” that was served in the refectory as a part of lunch. An interactive session on “Nutritional Requirement for different diseased condition” was conducted by Dr Shubhank Singh, Assistant Professor (SoMAS) and Resident Doctor, GDGU. He laid emphasis on types of diets to be consumed by patients of different age group and ailments. Simultaneous interaction with nutritionists and medical professionals on this occasion benefitted students in clearing doubts about diet related queries.

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January 04, 2022 Orientation Day 3, 2021

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