Forensic Science, Department of Basic and Applied Sciences, School of Engineering and Sciences organized an online guest lecture on 22nd July, 2021. The Guest lecture was on Career opportunities in Forensic Science. Dr. Neeharika Srivasatava, introduced the speaker. The Invited speaker for the session was Dr. Vinod Dhingra, SSO State Forensic Science Laboratory, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh. Total participants presented at the event were 44. The speaker explained participants about different types of lab setup and hierarchy of laboratories at state and central level. The speaker also mentioned various career opportunities in private as well as govt. laboratories at different levels of academic qualification. Students actively participated in the session questionnaire. In the end of the seesion Dr. Nehaarika and other faculty members thanked the speaker (Dr. Vinod Dhingra) for enlightening the young minds as vast career opportunities in the field of Forensic Science

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