Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.Philosophical thought is an inescapable part of human existence. It has enormous influence on our everyday lives.

Guru Nanak was a great philosopher, social reformer and an enlightened teacher.He promoted the equality of all mankind and upheld the causes of the downtrodden and the poor, laying special emphasis to assert the equality of women. He dedicated his entire life on the philosophy ‘Service to God is service to mankind’.

To comprehend Guru Nanak Devji’s life and discuss the significance of his teachings in modern times, a panel discussion by student-teachers was organized in School of Education, G D Goenka University on November 02, 2017. The relevance of Guru Nanak’s teachers in education, in general and teaching, in particular were well discussed among the student-teachers during the session as they highlighted teaching to be a ‘selfless service’ to be performed for the welfare and development of both the individual and the society, on the principle of equality.

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