Day two of the orientation programme i.e. 20 August 2019, began with a welcome address to the students by the Hon’ble President of the University, Prof. (Dr.) Suku Bhaskaran. Dr. Bhaskaran extended a warm welcome to all the students. He shared the achievements of the University with the students. He enlightened them about their future and motivated them to achieve their goals. He encouraged the students to develop a support system and imbibe the right kind of knowledge, skill sets, attitude and ethics. He advised them to trust others, take ownership for their behavior, be confident and adapt in different scenarios.

Dr. Nitesh Bansal, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International & External Engagement) briefed the students about the university’s endeavor towards Internationalization. He briefed the students about the Vision and Mission of the University, details of different schools, ranking and different national and international collaborations. He shared about the University’s endeavor to facilitate the students in providing them an academic experience across the globe hence making them employable at a global level. He shared that the University has a tie-up with 34 leading International Universities from different countries namely North America, South America, Europe, Australia, and East Asia. He added that in these universities study abroad opportunities are provided to the students by means of summer school, semester abroad and articulation.

Mr. Narender Sharma, Registrar gave a detailed overview of the rules and regulations of the University with regard to the expectations of each student. Mr. D. S. Parihar, Controller of Examination apprised the students about the examination system, evaluation process, grading system, and promotion criteria. Mr. Manoj Sahani, Director, CRC provided an overview regarding placement and internship assistance offered by the University. Prof. (Dr.) Anil Dawra, Proctor apprised them with the Discipline and Anti Ragging Measures to ensure clarity in all important matters as far as the decorum in the University is concerned.

The pyramid of student activities and clubs organized from time to time in GD Goenka University were shared by Prof. (Dr.) Tanuja Kaushik, Dean, Student Welfare & International Relations. She showcased the various recreational activities, clubs, and other major events of last year including Fresher’s party, CSR activity, Street play, Sportopia, and the University Fest. She encouraged the students to participate in the different extra-curricular activities organized in the University from time to time.

During the afternoon session guest lectures by eminent Industry experts were organized by respective Schools. By sharing some of their experiences, the Industry experts motivated the students to set their goals and strive to achieve them. They also emphasized the requirements of Industry with respect to the present times. After this session, the students were engaged in varied ice-breaking team activities. The new entrants were exhilarated and enthusiastic about starting their studies in a University that focuses on the pursuit of excellence in all the activities undertaken and the overall development of each student encompassing curricular, co-curricular extra-curricular activities.

#Orientation #Day2 #GDGoenkaUniversity

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