Earth Day is an annual event meant to create awareness and demonstrate support for environmental protection, celebrated on April 22nd. It was first celebrated in 1970. This year GD Goenka University celebrated Earth Day in collaboration with National Environmental Science Academy (NESA), Delhi. The Inaugural session of the National Workshop on \"Celebrating Earth Day: A Step towards Nurturing Nature” began with a welcome note by Prof (Dr.) Sudeep Sharma, Asstt. Dean, School of Engineering, followed by an oath to protect our mother Earth and unveiling of a souvenir book.Then a brief introduction of National Environmental Science Academy (NESA) was given by the President NESA, Prof. Javed Ahmad.

The keynote address was presented by Guest of Honor, Dr. Sanjay Bajpai, Scientist from Department of Science & Technology and Dr. Neloy Khare, Scientist, Ministry of Earth & Sciences. Next a Tree Plantation Ceremony was held in the garden arena of the University.

Later Prof. RK Sharma, from Department of Chemistry, Delhi University delivered a popular lecture on Green Chemistry emphasizing the importance of \'Earth Day\'. Then the platinum sponsor of the workshop, Mr. Ravi Kalra gave a brief introduction about his foundation, The Earth Saviours Foundation.

A three member Judges Panel was formed to select winners for Poster Presentation Competition. Mr. Abhinav Garg from Delhi University and Ms. Aarushi from GD Goenka University got the best poster award. This forenoon session was followed by lunch for all the participants, volunteers, committee members and guests.

The afternoon session started with the lecture on Drug Toxicology and its effect on the environment by Prof. R K Singh, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow followed by another important and interesting session on water conservation by Dr. Laxman Prasad, Ex-Advisor DST.

The worshop was concluded by Prof. Javed Ahmad, President NESA followed by the valedictory session and high tea. The workshop brought together leading researchers and academicians in the domain of interest from around the country.

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November 07, 2022 Yuva Ekta India Foundation,


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