On 6 August, GD Goenka University Departmental seminar series 2022, school of Humanities social sciences and Education present webinar on “Role of self-assessment and peer-assessment for student development”. The seminar was open for the professors and research scholars of Humanities social sciences and Education department. The keynote speaker was Mr. Pradeep Gusain, research scholar of School of Education, he is doing research under the supervision of Dr Meera Mishra. Topic was “Role of self-assessment and peer -assessment for student development” aim was to explore the background of various study designs for self-assessment and peer- assessment and to find the influence of self - assessment and Peer- Assessment on Students development.

Objectives were, to explore the various concerns in the study design related with Self- assessment and Peer- Assessment, to explore the outcomes of Self- assessment and Peer- Assessment on development of learners. Results- The various past study focused on variety of parameters while carrying out the Self- assessment and Peer- Assessment. The effect of Self- Assessment and Peer- Assessment on Students development is immense. Lots of work needs to be done for unfolding the true potential of Self- Assessment and Peer- Assessment. After the end of his presentation attendees asked the questions and shared their opinion, thoughts and suggestion.

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