Students of GDGoenkaUniversity participated in the Good Air Summit on 13th November 2019, at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, an initiative by the IHW Council to find and advocate ways to ensure better quality of air to make the cities across India breathable and livable.  This event was graced by various environmentalists, community leaders, corporate leaders, influencers, and leaders from social sectors that directly or indirectly impact the quality of air.

The aim of this summit was to create a dialogue on probable solutions and preventive measures for controlling air pollution and the challenges it poses to the country. It also aimed to inspire and motivate the youth by sharing success stories of the impact makers in the field who are working on efficient clean air solutions.

GD Goenka University was recognized for its contribution towards this noble cause. Prof. (Dr.) Tanuja Kaushik, Dean Student Welfare & International Relations on behalf of University received the appreciation award.

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