Principles and Application of Gloreha Robotics Devices

School of Medical and Allied Sciences proudly coordinated a Workshop on “Principles and Application of Gloreha Robotics Devices” Organised in association with Idrogenet Srl, – Italy on 30th April 2021.  A rare opportunity to learn clinical Application of Robotics in Neuro-Rehabilitaion by best in class resource persons from Italian Industry and Academia.

The speaker for the webinar was Prof. Glussepa Massazza, Dr. Marcello Campagnoll Physiatrist, Waduda Parolari & Gianlucca Gulzzeti.  This workshop was organized with the reason to spread the awareness about the application of Gloreha Robotics Devices. They have explained their functions and how it works. Gloreha Robotic Devices work to improve sensory and motor functions.

They have also explained how robotics can help patients is through improvements in range of motion (ROM) through the reduction of joint impedance. The components of joint impedance, such as passive and reflexive resistance can determine how the joint restriction is occurring. Robotics can then use precise amounts of velocity and amplitude to apply to the patient based on their individual needs. This may help improve ROM using precise forces applied at specific times. The use of continuous passive motion machines are common in rehab to improve joint ROM. However, with more state-of-the-art machines, ROM improvements can, theoretically, be gained at a quicker rate while ensuring patient comfort and safety

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