In the wake of increasing incidents of violence against women in the country, safety and security of women has become imperative. GD Goenka University, through its Board of Student Activities (BSA) conducted a Women Safety and Security Workshop at University Campus on 14th March 2018 for its female faculty, staff and students. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Veena Gupta- Founder and CEO- Seam Risk Solutions Pvt Ltd and a reputed Self Defence- Trainer.
The workshop aimed at educating the GD Goenka female students, staff and faculty about ensuring their physical safety and emotional well-being at all places by following simple guidelines, such as: Self defence techniques, staying alert and always being better prepared, do’s and don’ts while traveling and how to react if faced with sexual harassment. The workshop was well attended with interactive sessions comprising of both lecture and demonstration.

The participants were taught defence tactics to handle real-time situations using role play. Some topics covered in the workshop were:

    1. How to avoid getting into trouble

    1. Ability to sense that you are in trouble

    1. In case someone has attacked, what, should I do?

    1. Self-defence tactics with Real-time situation scenario as role play and demonstrations

  1. Basic Do\'s and Don\'ts

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