School of Engineering at GD Goenka University hosted International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies for Smart Nation during October 12 - 14, 2017. This International Conference was technically co-sponsored by IEEE, Delhi Section. IEEE inspires a global community to invent for a better future through highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted forum for engineering, computing, and technology information around the world.

The GD Goenka School of Engineering nurtures innovative learning curriculum that includes project based learning, research initiatives and collaborative learning. This International Conference received 580 research papers and the acceptance rate was 25%. It was inaugurated in the presence of distinguished guests from academia and industry, and conference delegates. Prof. (Dr.) Sudeep Sharma, Associate Dean of School of Engineering, GD Goenka University welcomed the guests, delegates and the invitees. This was followed by the address of the Vice Chancellor of GD Goenka University, Prof. (Dr.) Srihari.

Dr. Deepak Kumar, Scientist at National Informatics Center and Mr. Karan Nangru, Chief Technology Officer at Xebia were the keynote speakers. Dr. Deepak Kumar has an experience in the IT industry of more than 25 years. He is presently working with Ministry of Rural Development, where he is involved in implementation of several eGovernance projects including ‘Swachh Gram’. Looking to his expertise in handling large transactional databases, Microsoft has honoured him with “Data Guru” award in May 2017. The other keynote speaker, Mr. Karan Nangru, Chief Technology Officer at Xebia is a passionate technology evangelist. Currently, he is involved in digital transformation initiatives at multipleinternational airlines where he is spearheading a culture of automation, continuous delivery and data driven decision making.

Multiple parallel sessions are scheduled over the three-day Conference. Sessions are being held on ‘Simulation and Modelling / Optimization’, ‘Machine Learning Techniques’, ‘Mobile Communication’, ‘Optical Communication’, ‘Internet of Things and Ad Hoc Networks’, ‘Networking’, ‘Data/Web Mining’, ‘Data Encryption / Forensics’, ‘Cyber Security / Information Security’, ‘Intelligence System’, ‘Database Systems and its Security’, ‘Algorithm’. Every session is being chaired by renowned persons of respective domains and the best paper is being announced.

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