One has rightly said, “For effective extempore speaking a participant must be fluent, erudite and articulate.” An extempore is an impromptu speech which the participant is required to make on a topic there and then.

School of Education regularly organizes various scholastic and co-scholastic activities to cater all round development of its student-teachers. Student- teachers often reveal what they had long hidden, they would be otherwise reluctant to divulge. With this objective, an Extempore Competition was organized for student-teachers of all programmes on Thursday, November 23, 2017 to enhance their communication skills.

Participation was mandatory for all student-teachers. They spoke on a variety of topics like education, knowledge, life, beauty, happiness, ICT, entrepreneurship, leadership, culture, freedom, diversity etc. The participants were judged on the basis of content, confidence, voice modulation, pronunciation and overall impact.

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