School of Law, G D Goenka University conducted a workshop on career development for the law students in association with Knowledge Steez on 10th September, 2018. Knowledge Steez is a platform which attempts to keep students, researchers, scholars, academicians and teaching fraternity updated with all the academic opportunities coming their way, in order to boost their career and promote much wider information dissemination.


The resource persons for the workshop were Mr. Niteesh Kr. Upadhay (Founder of the Knowledge steez) and Ms. Anita Yadav (Senior Advisor of the Knowledge steez). In 2015 Mr. Niteesh kr. was awarded with the title of Social Change maker 2015, Young Humanitarian Award 2017, Youth for Human Rights Award 2017. Ms. Anita Yadav is recipient of various international prestigious scholarships and fellowships and recently she has been selected for fellowship to attend the United Nations Regional Course in International Law for Asia and the Pacific at Bangkok, 2018.

They enlightened the students with career options after graduation and the appropriate higher education routes. The students had an educational and inspirational session with them wherein they focussed on the job market and the new and exciting upcoming legal careers that students can pursue.

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