Board of Student Activities(BSA) Rotract Club of GD GoenkaUniveristyin association with Rotary Club organized this year’s edition of the annual Blood Donation Camp on September 18, 2019. HonorablePresident Prof. (Dr.)SukuBhaskaran, Dean Student Welfare and International Relations, Prof. (Dr.)TanujaKaushik, Deans of various schoolsand dignitaries from Rotary Club inaugurated the event by Lamp Lighting and Ganesh Vandanato mark the inception of the socially responsible activity.

The event witnessed the presence of students, faculty and staff members from various departments who joined hands together to motivate each other and voluntarily donate blood to support this noble cause. Total 379 donors participated in the event out of which 325 units of blood was collected which marked a huge increase from the previous year’s camp.

The dignitaries of Rotary Club, RtrMunishKhullar, President, Rtr Mr. Dilip Grover, Director-Service Projects andRtrMohitKhullar, Joint-Secy,felicitatedRotract Club’s office bearers and members for their effort to build general awareness about the blood donation camp and organized it flawlessly. The dignitaries also presented a token of appreciation to GDGU officials and thanked Prof. (Dr.) Tanuja Kaushik, Dean Student Welfare & International Relations for unconditional support to this noble cause.


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