Health is a state of complete harmony of body, mind and spirit”
A free medical health check-up camp for faculty, staff and students was organised by School of Medical and Allied Sciences on the occasion of WORLD HEALTH DAY on April 6, 2018 at G D Goenka University. The aim of the camp was to aware people and give them access to healthcare without prospect of financial hardship. Various tests such as Blood Pressure, Haemoglobin Test, Clotting and Bleeding Time etc. were performed by students of SoMAS. Faculty members, staff and students from different schools of GDGU came for the health check-up. Participants were provided with learning material for management of body ache through Physiotherapy and simple exercises. Test analysis report was also given to the participants. This was one of the continual activity carried out by SoMAS to provide holistic healthcare service to society.

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