Seventh Convocation | GD Goenka University

14 May 2022, was a momentous day at GD Goenka University, as after a pandemic enforced break of two years on all regular academic activities, the day saw the on-campus organization of the 7th Annual Convocation. This ceremony, organized in person, was graced by the Hon’ble Governor of Haryana, Shri Bandaru Dattatraya, Mrs. Kala Ramachandran, IPS, Commissioner of Police, Gurugram, Hon’ble Chancellor of GD Goenka University, Mrs. Renu Goenka, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) Tabrez Ahmad, Registrar, Mr. Dhirendra Singh Parihar and Prof. (Dr.) Tanuja Kaushik, Convocation Convener and Dean Student Welfare, Deans/Heads from the different schools of the University as also other dignitaries from the academic world.

The Convocation was formally declared open by the Hon’ble Chancellor, Mrs. Renu Goenka and this was followed by a welcome and presentation of Annual Report by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) Tabrez Ahmad, who described the campus life at GD Goenka University as vibrant, fast moving and technologically advanced. Dr. Ahmed, emphasized how the University has consistently, even through the period of the pandemic, successfully engaged in meaningful and structured academic programmes through online and offline lectures and seminars.

The Vice-Chancellor’s address was followed by the distribution of degrees and medals. A total of 807 students and scholars were awarded with degrees which included 550 UG students, 230 PG students, 13 diplomas and 14 PhD students. The Gopi Ram Goenka Medals were awarded to 72 students which included 26 Gold medals, 38 Silver medals and 8 Bronze medals.

The award of the medals was followed by the address of the Guest of Honour, Mrs. Kala Ramachandran, IPS, Commissioner of Police, Gurugram, who congratulated the students on their achievement and gave them an important leadership lesson for life as she emphasized how their success in life will depend on their attitude in facing both success as well as adversity. She asked the students to “wear their position/rank with pride but temper it with humility…keep your demeanour kind and your spirit intact”. Mrs. Ramachandran also told the students to read profusely and how their best training at work would be by experienced and seasoned colleagues.

The Chief Guest, Hon’ble Governor of Haryana, Shri Bandaru Dattatraya, gave the Convocation Address. He expressed his happiness in being a part of the convocation ceremony and congratulated the students. Shri Dattatraya introduced the students to the various initiatives by the Indian Government, especially Skill Development Programmes also included in the NEP, under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, and specifically encouraged them to be Creators of Employment rather than Seekers of Employment. Shri Dattatraya emphasized on the Made in India initiatives by the Indian Government and laid emphasis on Quality Research, Start-Ups and Innovations by the young generation in the coming years. Shri Dattatraya, remarked on the majority of medal winners being girls and expressed his happiness at this exponential growth and achievement by the girls of Haryana, and India in general.

The ceremony was officially declared closed by the Hon’ble Chancellor, Mrs. Renu Goenka and ended with a playing of the National Anthem of India. The convocation was a grand success as the university rang with the merry voices of graduating students.


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