Dr. Deepayan Roy
Assistant Professor (Major: Genetics and Plant Breeding Minor: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology)
Qualification: B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
College/University: Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidayala, Cooch Behar, Govind Ballabh Pant University Of Agriculture & Technology, Uttarakhand.

Dr. Deepayan Roy has completed a B.Sc. in agriculture from Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidayala, Cooch Behar, W.B and M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from the Govind Ballabh Pant University Of Agriculture & Technology, Uttarakhand. His area of specialization is basmati rice improvement programme, Rice pest resistance breeding, marker-based molecular breeding, Hybridization techniques, Stability analysis. He was a recipient of the ICAR-JRF during his post- graduation. He was the 1st Rank holder of M.Sc. (Ag.) in Genetics and Plant Breeding Department from Pantnagar and got eligible for INSPIRE-fellowship from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. He also Worked as International Intern from February, 2019 to
April, 2019 in DEFIAA-2019 (Developing French Indian exchanges in Agro-food and Agronomy) i.e., International Internship programme funded by French Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Yvetot, Normandie, France. He also Qualified ICAR-SRF examination (2019), also successfully qualified the ASRB-NET in 2019 and 2022.
Scholarly Journals
Deciphering Correlation studies for yield and quality traits in basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.) mated
through Line × Tester mating Design.
- Deciphering the estimates of combining ability and heterosis for yield and quality traits through Line × Tester analysis in basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.).
- Indexing of IRRI-Global Rice Array genotypes to meet the challenges of climate change.
- Deciphering Genetic Diversity in ‘Antenna Panel’ genotypes of IRRI’s Global Rice Array-IV for yield traits over three years in Indo-Gangetic Plains.
- Amalgamation of Parametric and non-Parametric Stability Models to Identify High Yielding and
Stable Rice genotypes from the Antenna Panel of Global Rice Array-IV. - Estimation of G x E interaction by AMMI model in ‘Antenna Panel’ Genotypes of Rice [Oryza sativa L.]
- Deciphering the genetics of some important grain yield traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.em. thell)
- Genetic variability studies for yield and its related traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes
Review Paper
Deciphering the Saga of Evolution and genomics of Cultivated Rice.
Book Chapters
- Chickpea: the king of Pulse Crops
- Recent trends in Crop Improvement: Mungbean
Past Researches
- Dr. Deepayan Roy worked on topic entitled ‘Studies On Combining Ability, Heterosis, Heritability And Genetic Advance For Yield And Quality Traits In Basmati Rice (Oryza sativa L.)’ during his master’s programme.
- While, in Ph.D. programme Dr. Deepayan Roy worked on ‘Indexing For Genetic Divergence, Brown Plant Hopper Resistance And Stability In ‘Antenna Panel’ Genotypes Of IRRI-Global Array Rice (Oryza sativa L.)’.
Conferences/ Seminars/Workshops/Trainings/Webinars Attended
- International Training (France):Training Certificate in Food Processing from French
Ministry for Food and Agriculture - Workshop on Experiential Learning, Entrepreneurship and Needs of Agro-Industry by
ICAR-NAARM - National Conference on Role of National Youth Policy in Reaping the Demographic
Dividend through Youth Empowerment: status & Futuristic Strategies - National Workshop on Innovations in Traditional agriculture for Sustaining Humanity by
Uttarakhand Chapter of Asian Agri-History Foundation. - Online Training on Applications of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Agriculture by IDP-
NAHEP - Webinar on Understanding the Variation,Heterosis and Their Exploitation in Plant
Breeding - International Webinar on Integrating genomics for accelerating the rate of genetic gain for
Chickpea Improvement - Webinar on Climate Smart Rice Hybrids.
- 3-months Certificate Course on Seed Production Technology
- Workshop cum ‘Hands on’ Training on “Advances in Molecular Biology and Genetic
Engineering Techniques”
List of papers presented in conference/seminar
- Presented a Paper in International Conference on Innovations in Plant and Animal Sciences for
Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development. - Presented a Poster and published an abstract entitled “Evaluation of Exotic IRRI Germplasm
for Brown Plant Hopper Resistance” in International Conference on Future challenges and
prospects in plant breeding. - Presented a Poster and published an abstract entitled “Meeting the challenges of Climate
Change by Indexing of IRRI-Global Rice Array Genotypes for Earliness” in Global Rice
Conference (2021).
Software Skills
Professional Skills
Teaching Experience: Contributed as a resource person and taken classes for Undergraduate Students under Institutional Development Plan of National Agricultural Higher Education Project in 2021 and 2022
Professional Affiliations (Membership, etc.)
Held the post of Secretary of Plant Breeding and Genetics society,GPB Department, GBPUAT,
Current Research
Dr. Deepayan Roy is willing to design an Index for accurate stability analysis which can decipher G x
E interaction efficiently In all crops.
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