Dr. Akhand Pratap Chaudhari
Assistant Professor
Qualification: Masters of Science in Animal Husbandry, Doctor of Philosophy in Livestock Production Management
College/University: SHIATS,Allahabad

Dr.Akhand brings in more than five years of professional experience in teaching, research and administration in the field of Animal Husbandry and Dairying. Prior to joining GDGU,he worked as Assistant Professor at Shri Vishwanath P.G.College Kalan Sultanpur ,Uttar Pradesh.
Some of the major qualifications that he has completed are:
Doctor of Philosophy in Livestock Production Management from SHIATS,Allahabad
Masters of Science in Animal Husbandry from SHIATS,Allahabad.
Dr. Akhand has published more than five Research papers in peer reviewed journals. He has attended various National and International Conferences, Workshops, Seminars.
List of Papers Published:
- Effect of Metabolic Size of Cows on Chemical Quality of Their Raw Milk. Journals of Natural Resource and Development 6(1,2):31,201
- Comparison of Physicochemical Properties of Raw Milk from Indigenous and Exotic Cows at Allahabad. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online):2319-7064, Impact Factor (2012):3.358
- Effect of Pregnancy, Lactation Stage, Parity and Age on Yield and Components of Raw Milk in Holstein Friesian Cows in Organized Dairy Farm Allahabad. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (JOSR-JAVS) E-ISSN:2319-2380, p-ISSN:2319-2372.Volume7, Issue2 Ver. I (Mar- Apr.2014),PP 112-115.
- Effect of Metabolic Size of Crossbred Cows on Compositional Quality of Raw Milk Produced at SHIATS Dairy Farm Allahabad. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 5, Issue 5, 1216-1222. ISSN 2277-7105, Year– 2016, Impact Factor: 6.805
- Effect of Metabolic Size of Murrah Buffaloes On Compositional Quality of Raw Milk Produced at Kushwaha Dairy Farm Allahabad. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 2349- 8870, Volume:3, Issue:5, 466-469, Year:2016.Impact Factor:3.881
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